XVI National Meeting of the Education and Science Network
This year UFMS will host the national meeting of RNEC – National Network of Education and Science: New Talents of the Public Network (RNEC). The RNEC appeared in 1985 at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), idealized by Prof. Leopoldo de Meis, and today it is composed of 34 research groups of high scientific level, linked to 21 teaching and research institutions, distributed in 13 States of the Federation, which act in three areas: a) improvement of the conditions of science teaching in the country through short-term experimental courses and internships for both students and teachers in the public school system; b) initiatives aimed at the popularization of science; c) development and production of educational materials both physical and virtual, as well as new strategies for inclusive education in the field of natural sciences.
For three years the PPG-DIP has been promoting activities linked to RNEC by the discipline “Train of the Pantanal: traversing the paths of bioma and tropical diseases” coordinated by UFMS teachers Anamaria Paniago, Ana Paula da Costa Marques and James Venturini. The “Pantanal Train” project aims to provide high school students with public contact with research and with the scientific method as a way to obtain knowledge, as well as to involve Post-Graduation in the training of students of basic education in the field of infectious diseases, inserted in the tropical biome “.
This project has been highlighted in the CAPES assessments in the item of social insertion, which has great impact in the final evaluation note of the master’s and doctoral courses of the PPGDIP.
The event will be held at the Multipurpose Complex of UFMS on June 6, 7 and 8, 2018. Entries are open and the deadline for submission of abstracts is closed on 05/16.
Follow link with information and programming of the event: http://educacaoeciencia.org/node/129